FreeAgent CRM + DocuSign
What you can do:
The world's #1 way to sign electronically Send a quote or order for Docusign e-signature with a single click
Define signature and counter-signature blocks using signature, date signed, text, and date blocks
Capture signature completion automatically and track in FreeAgent
Capture a link to the signed contract so your extended team can access it easily
Our Benefits:
Get deals signed faster
If you’re moving to e-signature for the first time, you’ll do business so much faster. And both you and your customer will be able to refer back to the signed contract to avoid issues down the road. If you already use e-signature.
Monitor the signature process
No need to login to Docusign to see whether quotes have been signed. Know where contracts stand in real-time, right from FreeAgent. This means less questions to operations people “pinging” to get status.
Full visibility to signed contracts
Signed contract links are auto-sent to FreeAgent and made available on quotes or orders.
Data Sharing Pathway
FreeAgent CRM
Data Flow
Signed Contract
Define Email Template used to introduce the e-signature document, promoting your brand & personalizable with info from your customer
Capture the docusign envelope ID in FreeAgent
Dynamically set the customer ‘signer’ name and email address based on your FreeAgent Quote / Order
Define all the signer tags you need to capture in a customizable Quote template - including signature, datesigned, date, and even custom text blocks
Enable cc parties as Docusign watchers
Enable counter-signature
Define counter-signature controller inside your company (name, email address)
Define counter-signature controller inside your company (name, email address)
Define counter-signature tags include signature, datesigned, date, and even custom text blocks
Automatically set the stage of the quote when sending for signature e.g. Quote Stage = Sent for Signature
Automatically set the stage of the quote once signed e.g. Quote Stage = E-Signed
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Work is better together. Bring your teams and tools together, in one happy place.
Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
Office 365
Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote.
The latest Gmail makes it easier to stay on top of the work that matters. With secure, ad-free email as a foundation.
Mailchimp is the All-In-One integrated marketing platform for small businesses, to grow your business on your terms.
Zoom brings teams together to get more done in a frictionless environment.
Webinars & Events
Powerful CRM for every budget.
FreeAgent helps you work more collaboratively and track and improve performance.